It's been over a month and a half since my last post. Oh well. Life's been busy.
First of all, congrats to the 16-66 Minnesota Timberwolves. They are the 2015 NBA Kings of the Cellar and by luck of the draw, the T-Wolves have the first pick in the 2015 NBA Draft. May they choose well.
Speaking of Kings of the Cellar, the 16-34 Milwaukee Brewers are MLB's Kings of the Cellar right now. They are 2.5 games ahead of the 19-32 Philadelphia Phillies and Oakland A's. An honorable mention goes out to the 25-24 New York Yankees. They are 3-7 in their last ten games and 4-12 since May 12.
I started a NFL Draft trivia post like the one I wrote a few years ago. Still not done with it, but I will post it soon.
We're still working on the fixes to my first novel, The Curse. Hopefully the revised version will be published in the next week or two. If you downloaded a copy of The Curse, please let me know.
There are tons of writing advice out there. Some of it is great and some of it is total crap. The key is to figure out what works for you as a writer. One piece of advice I followed is to not make every post or blog entry translate to "Buy my book." I do bring up my books when one of them has a free promotion. It's good advice, but when is a good time to hawk your books? Feedback on that varies.
About a year ago, I wrote that my upcoming ebook, Second Chance should be published by August. Yeah, that didn't work too well. The upside is it won't have anywhere near the editing issues that The Curse had.
I decided to pass on a free promotion this quarter of my ebook, Rickshaw, New Mexico.
Right now, I'm doing the first edit of my April 2014 CampNaNoWriMo project, Justice. I'm also writing a short story set somewhere in the Tennessee Appalachian mountains. Once I finish writing the story, there will be enough short stories for another book.
Back to work...
Have a great day!!!